Monday, 28 March 2011

The Red Shoes

A quick one...
Just been to BAC (Battersea Arts Centre for those not down wit da lingo - not to be confused with RAC, an extremely valuable car break-down service) to watch Kneehigh Theatre's "The Red Shoes".
They've done it again. It's very physical & superbly visual. It's Brother's Grimm meets Cabaret. For very brave children. Including me. 
Dutch-ness is all over the costumes & choreography. Not sure how the very Danish main man, Hans Christian Andersen, would feel about that. He wrote it, innit. I guess if you squint hard enough whilst looking at a map, Denmark blurs into Holland. 
Anyhoo, Dutch-ish it is. Dutch clog dancing mixes with contemporary, free-spirited sequences & I even spotted some Lindyhop. Oh yes, I've a keen eye for it. 
All accompanied by live, folky music from the players & two observant, patient musicians - one rather handsome musical chap if I may be so bold. 
Every detail is mapped out &, well, detailed. 

As ever, Kneehigh play all their cards. Shaved-heads, physical theatre, dance, music... a tranny with a mic. If in doubt, go all out. Et pourquoi non?

It's clearly a hit with the A-Levelers. If only I could read the detailed accounts they hand in tomorrow morning. Perhaps then I'd arrive at a deeper understanding of the sub-text...? They clearly had a lot to say about it. 
Bullet points & Bic Biros. 

However, I think back to the days when I could have written an essay about a fart. Oh, the bullshit I dredged up from the deepest pit of my pretension. And? I got an A.

Quite frankly, I enjoyed it just as it was. A jolly good story, jolly well told. Sub-text: negatory.

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