Tuesday, 22 February 2011


I was, sadly, a little disappointed by Day 2. 
House of Holland, which is always underlined in my 'things to love', upset, nay, confused me. Usually Mr Holland's eclectic mix of colour, pattern & daring hits my F-spot, a la his S/S '11 collection. Kerr-pow. A/W '11 kind of air kissed my tightie whiteies. 
Close. But no cigar. 

I get the 'chanelling gran' look he was aiming for, but I'm sure my gran wore something similar to a Bad Taste party back in the 70s. 
There was also a lot of folky patchwork happening. 
I used to have a blanket like this when I was a child. 
Eventually, it ended up as the cat's chewed duvet. 
My cat died. 
Bad memories, difficult associations. 
It was never going to work out. Apologies Henry. 

Tabby, R.I.P xxx

However, sexy things coming from Louise Gray -och aye- and John Rocha -ni hao-.


Louise Gray had a super cool catwalk, very graphic. 
Electro-house rave. All OVER it.


Then John Rocha came over all Victoriana gothic. 
LOVE this look. 

I'm thinking a collaboration with Polly Morgan and some macabre (yet exquisite...& road-kill friendly) taxidermy? You're welcome.
 Polly Morgan, Systemic Inflammation (20100)

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